❈ Waipu Hauora ❈
— Developing a strong & healthy community—
❈ Our History
Ko Mataatua te waka Ko Awanui te moana Ko Ngaiterangi te Iwi Ko Ngaitukairangi te Hapu Ko Hungahungatoroa te Marae Ko Waipu Hauora tenei whare
Established in 1994, Waipu Hauora operates under the
umbrella of of Hungahungatoroa Marae Incorporated Society and is the main Health and Social Service Provider for the community and whanau of Matapihi.
We are funded through Poutiri Trust along with18 other providers and are governed by the Executive Committee of Hungahungatoroa Marae Incorporated Society.
❈ Governance Structure
Waipu Hauora is an operating arm of Hungahungatoroa Marae Incorporated Society. The Executive Officer reports to the Executive Committee, on a monthly basis. All Kaimahi of Waipu Hauora are employed by Hungahungatoroa Marae Inc where the Programmes Coordinator and Kaimahi Support report to the Executive Officer and the Executive Officer reports directly to the Chairman and Executive Committee.